Have You Been Exposed to Roundup? $611 million was recently awarded to three victims who were diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma after repeated exposure to Round-Up
You could be next to receive compensation for exposure to Round-Up
It’s time to hold the manufacturers of Round-Up responsible. Don’t wait to seek the justice you deserve — Call Us Now to explore your legal options.
We can fight for you IF you were directly exposed to Roundup at least 10x or more and you (or your loved one) diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell Lymphoma, B or T-Cell Lymphoma, Burkitt Lymphoma, Follicular Lymphoma, Hairy Cell Lymphoma, Immunoblastic Lymphoma, Malt Lymphoma, Mantle Cell Lymphoma, NK-Cell Lymphoma or Plasmablastic Lymphoma than we can help to see if you qualify for compensation
See if You Qualify for Compensation
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If you have been Diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s or CLL After Spraying Roundup
Billions of dollars may be available to Roundup users affected by Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma or Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia.
If you have been diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma or Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia linked to exposure to RoundUp, complete the form above.
Filing a claim may be your only chance to collect compensation. Lawyers will review your case for free to examine the direct link of diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma or Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia linked to exposure to RoundUp.
Settlement to Monsanto Roundup Victims
Since 2020, Monsanto has paid nearly $11 Billion to victims to settle over 100,000 Roundup cases. There are still thousands of ongoing product liability suits against the company. Law firms continue to take on clients seeking justice over the adverse health effects of Roundup products.

Contact Us Today
If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma or Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia and have used RoundUp in the past, please contact us immediately.
Questions to Consider
Who qualifies for the Roundup lawsuit?
A personal injury lawsuit against Bayer/Monsanto can only be filed if you have received a diagnosis of a type of cancer such as non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and prove that the development of your cancer was linked to exposure to the herbicide Roundup.
What is the cost to file a Roundup lawsuit?
In regards to Roundup, there is a contingency fee arrangement. In this arrangement, there is a fee if the client wins the case. The firm will receive a certain percentage of payout depending on the size and complexity of the case.
Is this a class action lawsuit?
Roundup is a class action lawsuit filed on behalf of all victims who have used Roundup and suffered severe medical issues.

Tell us more about your case.
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